
Wednesday, 30 September 2020

SLJ: Activity 3, Tuvalu Language

 Spring Learning Journey

Activity 3

Talofa and welcome to my blog, this week we are celebrating Tuvalu Language Week. The theme for this year is "Fakatili Te Kiloga  Fou" which means in english "Navigating the charging environment". Today I'll be sharing you the 3rd activity for SLJ and some important quotes that are from Tuvalu! But of course before showing you the activity, here are some facts that came along with the task.

Activity 3 (Facts):  Tuvalu Language

As it is Tuvalu language week we are celebrating the people, parents, families, the Tuvalu Auckland Community Trust. These are all  people that play important roles in keeping the Tuvaluan language and culture traditions alive. To help then they are guided by these 4 different principles which are..
  1. Olaga kau fakatasi ko te maopoopo ko te malosi ( Unity is togetherness and strength)
  2. Olaga fiafia o sale te poto sala se laumani manuia ( Wisdom is the path to happiness and a bright future)
  3. Olaga Fealofani (Live in peace with others)
  4. E see ko pati ako faiga (Actions speak louder than words)

Tuvalu Language Task

Today's task is to find out what the meaning of principles. Selecting one of the principles above we had to create a poster explaining what they actually mean in life. I chose the 4th one which is "E see ko pati ako faiga" in english it means "Actions speak louder than words) Here is my poster...

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

SLJ: Activity 2, Romeo and Juliet!

 Spring Learning Journey

Activity 2

Hello there and welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all doing well during your Term 3 Holidays. Almost there everyone! As you all know that it is holidays, of course there is another Learning Journey. During these holidays I'll be blogging and explaining  about the Spring Learning Journey activities almost everyday.A big thanks goes to creators of the Spring Learning Journey as well as the teachers in Team 5 who have encourage students to participate . So sit back and relax while I explain the 2nd activity for the Spring Learning Journey, Wk 1.

Activity 2 (Facts): Romeo and Juliet

Along with the tasks set up for us, they provide fun facts about the people that we are learning about. The person that this activity is about was  a famous author, poet and playwright. He is best known for playing roles amazingly in plays and one of is famous plays is Romeo and Juliet. You've guessed it, it's William Shakespheare.
So before we get into the activity let me share you some more facts about him.
  1. Shakespheare was born on the  26th April 1564
  2. Shakespheare is widely considered the world's best dramatist
  3. He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets
  4. He married to Anne Hathaway when he was only 18
  5. Then he had 2 twins, Hamnet and Judith

Shakesprearean English Task

So for this task today I had to learn more about Shakesprearean English. Shakesprearean English is the version of english Shakespheare  used in most of his plays. To practice being like Shakespheare we had to write a small recount of what we did in the morning. Then after that we had to use a translating tool that translates it into Shakesprearean English. 


Friday, 25 September 2020

Maths: Te Reo Maori

TASK DESCRIPTION: This weeks maths task is to solve DMIC questions with our partner or buddies My buddy was Paige and we have worked together to workout the problems given, we have taken photos of our maths work as well.  

Te Whare Tapa Wha: Taha Tinana

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week all across NZ we are celebrating New Zealand Sign Language Week (NZSL) This week is to acknowledge people who have trouble hearing. Today for Te Whare Tapa Wha, we did Taha Tinana ( Physical Well-Being) For our activity today we had to do sports using Sign Language finger-spelling. ENJOY!!

Thursday, 24 September 2020


Today in our Literacy class, we read a book called Eleven which was by Sandra Cisneros
Infer meaning from a text

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

IKAN 2 Maths Test


TASK DESCRIPTION: Today my maths class and I had a maths test. This test was to test our knowledge on Number sequence and order, Fractions, Place Value, Basic Facts. I felt good and ready to do this test, I had a great score of 31/40. WOW!! To improve better my goal is to practice more on my Fractions and Place Values. I will learn much more by listening to Mrs Tele'a and try my hardest on Maths Tasks. 

Monday, 21 September 2020

Taha Whanau: NZSL

NZ Sign Language Wk 2020

Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog, this week is New Zealand Sign Language week. The topic that goes with Sign Language is 'Sign language is for everyone!'.
This week is to acknowledge the deaf people and those who help teach them sign language and ways to communicate to others. It is important to never make fun of people who have trouble hearing because they are the tough ones who learn sign language so that they can talk and introduce them to others. 

Task Description: Today in our Te Whare Tapa Wha work, I am focusing on Taha Whanau. As it is Sign Language week, for our activity we had to record ourselves introducing our names in NZSL Alphabet /Fingerspelling. Learning NZ sign language helps us make a better connection with friends and whanau who are deaf or hard of hearing. In this video I started off by saying Good Morning and introduced my name by saying My Name is Hannah! This was a really educational and fun activity to do.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

2.5 He aha te tae? (Makawe)

WALT: ask and answer questions about what things are!

Kia Ora and here is our Te Reo Maori lesson this week. Our question is 'He aha te tae o to makawe?' which means 'What colour is your hair?'. We had to reflect back to colours in Maori. For our creative task we had 2 options to express the new phrases we have learnt today. I chose to do this task by creating a poster, ENJOY!!!

Finding my Place by Bayley Corfield

WALT: infer meaning from a text

Task description: Today for our last Reading task this week, we read another new text called Finding my Place which was written by  Bayley Corfield. This text was mostly about music, bands, audience, performance and a saxaphone. We did our grammar work, practiced on more inferencing and lastly for our paragraph writing we had to write what is 'Belonging'.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


WALT: Learning to make inferences based on images and short stories

The Quest by Leith Cooper

WALT: infer meaning from a text

Today in our Literacy lesson today we read a book called The Quest by Leith Cooper. This was a really interesting book to read, I could picture everything that was going on in my head. After reading we had to answer some questions about the story. We also did some  grammar work, identifying Subjects, Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns and so on. We did some more inferencing by looking at some random images. For our writing part we had to come up with a paragraph about 'What makes a good leader'.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Taha Wairua: Maori Language Vocab


Taha Wairua

Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog. This week is all about Maori Language week. For Maori Language week, we will learn a lot of Maori culture and languages. Today for our Whare Tapa work we were focusing on Taha Wairua. Our task for today we had to create a poster to celebrate the theme for Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori. In our poster we had to include objects we would normally see in a classroom, we also had to write it in Maori.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Taha Whanau: Special Occasions

Taha Whanau
Task Description: This morning for our Te Whare Tapa Wha work, we looked into Taha Whanau. By doing that our activity was to look into one special occasion that is from our main culture. Mine is Tonga so I decided to choose 21st Birthdays as my occasion. I've been to many 21st Birthdays and nearly all my aunties and uncles have had it. 21st Birthdays are really big in Tongan Culture, so I'll like to share some key points from it to you. I hope you learnt different things from my culture, ENJOY!

Maori Language Moment

 In 1972, 30 000 signatures were delivered to parliament to safeguard the Maori language

3 Reasons why I think it needed to be protected..

1. The language might fade away

2.The language might die

3.the Maori language may continue to the future

Thursday, 10 September 2020

ICT Outdoors by Catherine Lunjevich

WALT: Infer meaning from a text

Malo e lelei, today for our new reading task we had to read ICT Outdoors by Catherine Lunjevich. This book was about a school girl who thought that reality was all about the internet and computers. She notices that her favourite teacher was not acting like her normal self. The school girl had to help her teacher to go back to her normal and loving self.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Tongan Myth Summary

The Battle of the Shark and the Octopus


Takuaka: Tongan Myth of the Shark God - Living Oceans FoundationLiving  Oceans Foundation
Takuaka: Tongan Myth of the Shark God - Living Oceans FoundationLiving  Oceans FoundationThis myth was about a fijian shark god named Takuaka. He was a guardian of the reef. Takuaka became jealous of other guardians so he decided to challenge them and defeat them as well. Takuaka hears about this octopus guardian so he decided to battle him. By surprise the octopus defeats the shark god, Takuaka finally admits defeat and promised to never harm any people ever again.

Monday, 7 September 2020

Ko Hoku Famili - My Family

Ko Hoku Famili- My Family!

Malo e lelei and welcome back to my blog. Today it is the start of TONGAN LANGUAGE WEEK YAY!!. Tonga is my culture and I love learning new things about it. This week Team 5 will be learning all about Tongan culture and it's languages. For our 1st activity we had to pronounce our family members in Tongan. This was a really fun task to do because it reflects onto our family, why they are important and why we need them.
Some people say family is not important but in my opinion family is everything. It is very important to look after you family members very much, never take them for granted and always love them no matter what. In Tongan culture it is very important that you listen to your parents and  your eldest.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Mufti Day/ Wacky Hair Day/ Wheels Photos

  1. Lani's Blog
  2. Zoe's Blog
  3. Tahliyah's Blog

Friday Fun Day@PES


  • Cook Island Language
  • Wheels
  • Mufti
  • Special Treat
  • Wacky Hair
  • Gold Coin
Today we are celebrating life, being at school, being alive and being well!!!!
Congratulation to us all for pushing on in what has been an extraordinary year so far.

I would like to acknowledge all the amazing parents that have been looking after all their kids during level 2 lockdown, they have been doing an amazing job. I would like to also acknowledge our teachers and of course our hard working principal for pushing us to come to school and making this day really fun.

I would like to also say a huge THANK YOU to my family for caring and keeping me safe during Level 2 Lockdown. Thank you Mum for everything you do for me and my siblings.


Thursday, 3 September 2020

Saving McDonalds by Hilton Avery

Task Description: For our 2nd reading task today we had to read a book called Saving Mcdonalds which is a book by Hilton Avery. This was a really interesting book to read that was about a camp for boys. We did our normal stuff as well like the Grammar Check activity. For our last task, for writing we had to write a paragraph about one reason students should attend camp. ENJOY!

Taha Wairua Poster!!!

Taha Wairua

Greetings to all and welcome back to my blog. Today we did another Whare Tapa Wha activity, we chose to do Taha Wairua (Spiritual Health). For our task today we had to create another poster but this time we had to show three things that can help us with our Taha Wairua. The things I listed were: 

  1. Listening to happy and calming songs
  2. Doing Meditation
  3. Praying
There are much more things that I can think of as well. You can also read the bible and give a gift to someone. Doing things like this will help strengthen your Wairua in no time you don't want to end up as a sad or useless person sitting at home as your Taha Wairua slowly breaks down. I encourage everyone to do these listed things so that their Taha Wairua stays alright. 

Time Warp by Seb Darr

Task Description: Today for Literacy we read a new text today which is called Time Warp by Seb Darr. This book is about a school boy named jack who dislikes the subject History. As he rides back home he rides into a tree and blacks out for a while. Once he woke up he thinks that he ended up in the middle ages, he also thought that he entered a TIME WARP. Did he or did he not?

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Taha Tinana- Exercise poster

Taha Tinana

Today for our Te Whare Tapa Wha work we mainly focused on Taha Tinana which is about looking after our Physical Health. For our activity we had to create an exercise poster. To make it we had to take photos with buddies or by yourself doing 4 different exercises. I did this activity with my friends Mele and Central, the exercises we did were:
  1. Running on the spot
  2. Squats
  3. Star Jumps
  4. Arm Warm Ups
There are different types of levels that you can do for your comfort zone:
  1. Easy
  2. Hard
  3. Extreme
Hopefully everyone can do this to help strengthen their Taha Tinana, doing fitness work really helps your body to stay fit and healthy. I encourage everyone to do exercises in their free time to live a happy life staying fit and healthy

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Taha Hinengaro: Things I'm good at!

Taha Hinengaro: Things I'm good at!

Task description: Malo e lelei and welcome back to my blog, today we did another Te Whare Tapa Wha activity. This time we looked back on Taha Hinengaro which is all about our own mind, heart, conscience, thoughts and feelings. It is also about how we feel individually as well as how you communicate and think. For our activity today, first we had to take a photo of ourselves and place in onto a google drawing. After that we had to come up with things that we are good at and place it around the photo of yourself. This helped us by feeling and thinking much better, this can also help us by gaining more confidence. ENJOY