
Tuesday 30 November 2021

Fake or Real ?


True our False ?

Ta tatou Korero Ta tatou Kowhiringa. Our Voice Our Choice ! This is the focus for our last term of the year, TERM 4 ! In Team 5 we are learning to examine clear information on things we believe that is either True or False ( Fake or Real ). You cant believe everything you hear or see on social media such as Instagram, Tiktok or even stuff you hear from people you think is right. Use your head and do critical research on the main topics you believe is right or wrong.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Poetry Recap !

Revising On Poetry 


Good Afternoon everyone ! Today is the second day back at school and we did our Literacy work this morning block. As like yesterday we looked at a Poem called Leap, but today's task was a few slides on recapping our knowledge on Poetry. There were different kinds of poems that all had a different theme, but closely we had to figure our what the rhyming schemes were for each one. 
* For the last slide I had to create my own version of
' If I were king ' by AA Milne, make sure to check it out and give me you thoughts/feedback on it , ENJOY :))

Monday 22 November 2021

Inferring - poetry

 WALT: Inferring-I use keywords to work out what the hidden meaning is

Task Description :
Today in our literacy class we had an introduction to poetry mainly around inferring the given text to us. The poem we read was Leap by Selina Powell. 3 things that I've learnt in today's lesson was ...
  1. In poems they use ' Stanza ' instead of paragraphs
  2. Poetry helps us paint a picture with the creative language it uses
  3. Jetty is a landing stage or small pier.
Almost forgot to mention we're back into school this week YAY ! Im finlly back with my friends and in Room 3 with Mrs Tele'a and Tsyon is also helping us. To those who may be nervous or still anxious on coming back to school, don't worry SCHOOL IS OKAY AND SAFE !

Friday 19 November 2021


 Tiktok Tipene ( Friday's Electives )

Heyy everyone and welcome back to my blog ! Today we had our Elective's meeting which we have every Fridays, since Miss Hill wasn't here for Drama Divas I decided to go to Tiktok Tipene with Ms Tipene. In Tiktok Tipene we do dancing to tiktok songs that Ms Tipene chooses and then she picks one of us to be the leader and teaches the whole class the tiktok dance, today she chose Oalli. The tiktok song Ms Tipene chose was 'Back to normal', this was a fun tiktok dance to learn but luckily I already knew some of the dance. Today's Elective was really fun and we all had laughs, big THANK YOU to Ms Tipene for the meet, Oalli for teaching us the dance and also everyone that joined the meet. Can't wait to do it in person next week !! 

- Feel free to leave a comment :)) 

Thursday 18 November 2021

Pie Graph

 Pie Graph


Here's another completed maths slide ! This one was on Pie Graphs. Pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice, is proportional to the quantity it represents .

Area and Volumn

 Area and Volume of 2D and 3D shapes !

Task Description :
Hello guys, its currently night-time but Im still determined to finish my Maths Task but this week. These maths slides is about finding the Area and Volume of 2D and 3D Shapes. Area and Volume both have formulas that help work out the chosen lengths or widths etc.. These slides took me a long time but I got there at the end, still trying so some answers may be different to yours. 

Ordering Integers


Task Description :
Greetings everyone, back with another completed maths task which is 'Ordering Integers'! An integar is colloquially defined as a number that can be written without a fractional component. This task was quite challenging, I also had to order negative numbers from smallest to biggest. I also used symbols that shows when a number is bigger or smaller then the other . e.g < & > . ENJOY !