
Monday 10 August 2020

Yr 7 Step Up Programme 2020

 Yr 7 Step Up Programme

Last week while the Yr 8's went to Kauaeranga Valley Camp the Yr 7's held a step up programme at school. This programme was to help the Yr 7's to step up and be leaders like our Yr 8's. We had heaps of fun doing this amazing programme, here is what we did on the 1st day....

Once the Yr 8's left, we had to meet in the streets for the teachers to tell us what we are doing and our time schedules. After that we got splitted into three groups 1- Mrs Moala, 2- Mrs Illaoa, 3- Ms Tipene, I was in Mrs Moala's Class. Once we sorted our groups we had to come up with a team name, posters, chants and a girl and boy team captain. Our team name was Thunder and our team captains were Nina and Mohammed. Once we came up with our chants we had to present it to the other teams which were Duck Life and Strikers.

After presenting our chants to everyone we had to go back into our classes and start eating our morning tea. After morning tea play time we came back into the street and started our rotations with our teachers. After doing that it was time to eat our Lunch, after play time we had to come back into the street and start our sports rotation. Each class had to split into A's and B's groups. I was in 1B and we played 3A in bull rush and that was our 1st day of the step up programme

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